A structured design thinking process leads to concrete solution approaches within two days.
In SPEED CREATION, a multidisciplinary team analyzes your problem. This gives rise to many ideas, from which we gradually develop four to five concrete solutions over the course of two days.
We’ll guide you and your multidisciplinary team through a well-structured design thinking process. In a first step, we look at the market environment and its dynamics. Then we slip into the role of the customers to experience their needs and stress factors firsthand. In a further step, we generate as many ideas as possible, which we'll condense into four to five concrete approaches in several development loops.
This is what you get
A clearly structured process We continuously optimize our processes and can therefore offer you a high level of process reliability. This is important to us.
The four-eyes principle We want to approach your topic comprehensively so that you get the best solution for your problem. That's why the entire process is always monitored by two experienced Innoveto experts.
Results to go At the end of the format, you take the elevator pitches in digital form and a video with you. We will send you all work results in the form of a photo protocol.
Our templates for your future
All templates that we use during the SPEED CREATION format are available as PDF files. They are the perfect basis for your other design thinking projects.

1. Exploration Mapping In a first step, we look at the market environment and its dynamics. You will get to know the internal and external challenges. Then we look at the relevant social, technological, and economic trends.
2. Stakeholder Mapping & Personas The basis is clear - now let's define all stakeholders that may be relevant to our project today and tomorrow. Then we slip into the role of individual customers or user groups to experience their needs and stress factors firsthand. Furthermore, we create individual personas.
3. Synthesis We can now name the findings in the form of so-called Point of Views. Since we put the company perspective behind us (Business Challenge) and adopted the point of view of our customers or users, we now have the necessary empathy to work out special ideas.
4. Enough ideation research - now we're looking for specific solutions. This process comprises several small steps. It starts with initial inspiration and ends with very specific ideas that can be clearly assessed. For the time being, quantity over quality applies here - together we generate as many inspiring approaches as possible.
5. Prototyping Now it’s getting specific: We develop the first simple prototypes (paper prototyping, role playing, Lego, digital models, etc.). This step makes the ideas more precise. Structured feedback ensures that the ideas are constantly evolving.
6. Storytelling
A good idea is of no use if you cannot sell it - internally as well as externally. That is why we work out so-called “elevator pitches” towards the end of the SPEED CREATION workshop. In this process, ideas are made presentable in a structured and exciting form.
What are we waiting for?
There are many reasons to speak to us. Maybe you would like to talk to someone about your newest project? Or do you have questions about innovation topics and our formats? We're always willing to listen and looking forward to meeting you. Here you can schedule an appointment online.